Memorandum of Understanding |
Memorandum of Understanding
Between the
National Weather Service
and the
National Weather Service Employees Organization
SUBJECT: Implementation of WSOM Chapter C-75
The NWS and NWSEO agree :
1. Verification scores shall not be used for rating the forecasting and warning performance elements of individual NWS meteorologists. Direct use of verification program scores is not considered suitable for individual performance appraisal purposes because objectively derived verification scores by themselves seldom fully measure the quality of a set of forecasts;
2. Forecast verification scores may be used to recognize excellence via the awards system, and to develop individual performance criteria designed specifically to bring about improved performance in a particular product, service, etc.;
3. Weather Forecast Offices will be provided a statistical output or summary to review at the AWIPS workstation for the purpose of providing the forecasters with direct feedback as to how well they are doing; and
4. Individual forecaster verification data will be a private matter between management and employee, and safeguarded accordingly.
Signed by Ramon I. Sierra, Date: 2/23/00
NWSEO President
Signed by Joseph T. Smith, Date: 1/28/00
Chief, Management and
Organization Division, NWS
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